TYPES: ty_it_copy_records TYPE STANDARD TABLE OF komv WITH DEFAULT KEY. DATA(lv_komg) = VALUE komg( bukrs = '0001' " Buchungskreis (Tabelle T001) matnr = '1234567890' " Materialnummer vkorg = '0100' " Verkaufsorganisation (Tabelle TVKO) vtweg = '01' " Vertriebsweg (Tabelle TVTW) ). DATA(it_copy_records) = VALUE ty_it_copy_records( ( kappl = 'V' " Applikation: V - Vertrieb (Tabelle T681A / T681B) kschl = 'PR00' " Konditionsart (Tabelle T685) kbetr = '10.00' " Konditionsbetrag oder -prozentsatz waers = 'EUR' " Konditionseinheit (Währung oder Prozentsatz) (Tabelle TCURC) kpein = '1' " Konditions-Preiseinheit kmein = 'ST' " Konditionsmengeneinheit (Tabelle T006) ) ). DATA: lv_datab TYPE vake-datab. DATA: lv_datbi TYPE vake-datbi. DATA: lv_prdat TYPE vake-datbi. CALL FUNCTION 'RV_CONDITION_COPY' EXPORTING application = 'V' " Applikation: V - Vertrieb (Tabelle T681A / T681B) date_from = sy-datum " von Datum date_to = '99991231' " max. Datum für Konditionen condition_table = '004' " Konditionstabelle (Tabelle T681) condition_type = 'PR00' " Konditionsart (Tabelle T685) enqueue = abap_true " Lock key_fields = lv_komg " Schlüsselfelder maintain_mode = 'A' " Modus (A - Anlegen, B - Ändern, C - Anzeigen, D - Anlegen mit Vorlage) overlap_confirmed = abap_true " automatische Bestätigung bei Zeitraumüberlappung no_authority_check = abap_true " keine Berechtigungprüfung durchführen IMPORTING e_datab = lv_datab e_datbi = lv_datbi e_prdat = lv_prdat TABLES copy_records = it_copy_records EXCEPTIONS enqueue_on_record = 1 invalid_application = 2 invalid_condition_number = 3 invalid_condition_type = 4 no_authority_ekorg = 5 no_authority_kschl = 6 no_authority_vkorg = 7 no_selection = 8 table_not_valid = 9 no_material_for_settlement = 10 no_unit_for_period_cond = 11 no_unit_reference_magnitude = 12 invalid_condition_table = 13 OTHERS = 14. IF sy-subrc = 0. CALL FUNCTION 'RV_CONDITION_SAVE'. CALL FUNCTION 'RV_CONDITION_RESET'. COMMIT WORK. WRITE: / lv_datab. WRITE: / lv_datbi. WRITE: / lv_prdat. ENDIF.
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