[C#] TabPage eines TabControls ein-/ausblenden

Standardmäßig gibt es kein Hide() oder Visible = true/false für TabPages. Man muss sich eines Tricks bedienen, bei dem die TabPages aus der internen Liste des TabControls gelöscht bzw. wieder hinzugefügt werden.

// TabPage "TabPage1", die zur Designzeit erstellt wurde, ausblenden

// TabPage "TabPage1", die zur Designzeit erstellt wurde, wieder am Anfang der Tabliste hinzufügen

// TabPage "TabPage1", die zur Designzeit erstellt wurde, an zweiter Stelle in die Tabliste einfügen
TabControl1.TabPages.Insert(1, TabPage1);

Im Folgenden wird eine Klasse beschrieben, die automatisiert per Index immer nur eine bestimmte TabPage eines TabControls in Form eines schrittweise durchschaltbaren, geführten Einstellungsassistenten anzeigt. Am Ende wird ein Startbutton freigeschaltet.

// alle zur Designzeit erstellten TabPages von TabControl1 werden verwaltet
// die Buttons btnPrevious und btnNext (müssen nicht angegeben werden) schalten die TabPages um
// der Button btnStart wird auf der letzten Seite freigeschaltet.
// "<-", "->" sind strings, die innerhalb der Buttons zusätzlich zum Namen angezeigt werden
// true == TabPage.Text + [1/x] anzeigen
CTabSelector _TabSelector = new CTabSelector(TabControl1, btnPrevious, btnNext, btnStart, "<-", "->", true);

// schaltet die TabPages zurück
private void btnBkwd_Click(object sender, EventArgs e)
    if (_TabSelector != null)
// schaltet die TabPages vor
private void btnFwd_Click(object sender, EventArgs e)
    if (_TabSelector != null)


/// <summary>
/// helper class for showing/hiding tabs in a TabControl
/// freeware (W) 2009 by SiteAdmin of www.codezentrale.6x.to
/// Usage:
/// private TabSelector _TabSelector = new TabSelector(TabControl1, btnPrevious, btnNext, btnStart, "<-", "->", true);
/// private void btnPrevious_Click(object sender, EventArgs e)
/// {
///    if (_TabSelector != null)
///    {
///        _TabSelector.CurrentTabIndex--;
///    }
/// }
/// private void btnNext_Click(object sender, EventArgs e)
/// {
///    if (_TabSelector != null)
///    {
///       _TabSelector.CurrentTabIndex++;
///    }
/// }
/// </summary>
class TabSelector
	#region vars
	private TabControl _tctrlTabControl = null;
	private int _iCurrentTabIndex = -1;
	private List<TabPage> _TabPages = new List<TabPage>();
	private List<string> _TabCaptions = new List<string>();
	private List<bool> _TabPageHidden = new List<bool>();
	private Button _btnPrevious = null;
	private Button _btnNext = null;
	private Button _btnFinal = null;
	private string _sPreviousItem = string.Empty;
	private string _sNextItem = string.Empty;
	private bool _bShowProgress = false;

	#region properties
	/// <summary>
	/// switches current shown tab by index, e.g. CurrentTabIndex++, CurrentTabIndex--
	/// </summary>
	public int SetCurrentTabIndex
		get { return _iCurrentTabIndex; }
			if (_tctrlTabControl != null)
				int iCurrentValue = value;

				// forwards
				if (iCurrentValue > _iCurrentTabIndex)
					while (_TabPageHidden[iCurrentValue])
					// backwards
					if (iCurrentValue < _iCurrentTabIndex)
						while (_TabPageHidden[iCurrentValue])

				if (iCurrentValue >= 0 && iCurrentValue < _TabPages.Count)
					_iCurrentTabIndex = iCurrentValue;


	/// <summary>
	/// refreshes the current tabcontrol
	/// </summary>
	private void RefreshTabControl()

		int iShownTabPages = _TabPages.Count;

		for (int i = 0; i < _TabPages.Count; i++)
			if (_TabPageHidden[i])

		int iHiddenTabPages = 0;

		for (int i = 0; i < _iCurrentTabIndex; i++)
			if (_TabPageHidden[i])

		_TabPages[_iCurrentTabIndex].Text = _bShowProgress ? _TabCaptions[_iCurrentTabIndex] + " [" + (_iCurrentTabIndex + 1 - iHiddenTabPages).ToString() + "/" + iShownTabPages.ToString() + "]" : _TabCaptions[_iCurrentTabIndex];

		if (_btnPrevious != null)
			if ((_iCurrentTabIndex > 0) && (_iCurrentTabIndex < _TabPages.Count))
				int iPrevIndex = _iCurrentTabIndex - 1;

				while (_TabPageHidden[iPrevIndex] && (iPrevIndex > 0))

				_btnPrevious.Text = _sPreviousItem + _TabCaptions[iPrevIndex];
				_btnPrevious.Visible = true;
				_btnPrevious.Text = string.Empty;
				_btnPrevious.Visible = false;

		if (_btnNext != null)
			if ((_iCurrentTabIndex >= 0) && (_iCurrentTabIndex < _TabPages.Count - 1))
				int iNextIndex = _iCurrentTabIndex + 1;

				while (_TabPageHidden[iNextIndex] && (iNextIndex < _TabPages.Count))

				_btnNext.Text = _TabCaptions[iNextIndex] + _sNextItem;
				_btnNext.Visible = true;
				_btnNext.Text = string.Empty;
				_btnNext.Visible = false;

		_btnFinal.Visible = this.IsLastPage;

	/// <summary>
	/// returns the name of the current previous tab
	/// </summary>
	public string PreviousTabPage
			string sRetVal = string.Empty;

			if (_tctrlTabControl != null)
				if (_iCurrentTabIndex > 0 && _iCurrentTabIndex < _TabPages.Count)
					sRetVal = _TabCaptions[_iCurrentTabIndex - 1];

			return sRetVal;

	/// <summary>
	/// returns the name of the current next tab
	/// </summary>
	public string NextTabPage
			string sRetVal = string.Empty;

			if (_tctrlTabControl != null)
				if (_iCurrentTabIndex >= 0 && _iCurrentTabIndex < _TabPages.Count - 1)
					sRetVal = _TabCaptions[_iCurrentTabIndex + 1];

			return sRetVal;

	/// <summary>
	/// is the current shown page the first
	/// </summary>
	public bool IsFirstPage
		get { return (_iCurrentTabIndex == 0); }

	/// <summary>
	/// is the current shown page the last
	/// </summary>
	public bool IsLastPage
		get { return (_iCurrentTabIndex == _TabPages.Count - 1); }

	/// <summary>
	/// constructor of tabselector object
	/// </summary>
	/// <param name="tctrlTabControl">a TabControl whose tabs should be switched</param>
	/// <param name="btnPrevious">a button that switches the tabs backwards, could also be null</param>
	/// <param name="btnNext">a button that switches the tabs forwards, could also be null</param>
	/// <param name="btnFinal">a button that is shown at the end</param>
	/// <param name="sPreviousItem">string that should be added before every tabstring that is shown in btnPrevious, could also be empty</param>
	/// <param name="sNextItem">string that should be added after every tabstring that is shown in btnNext, could also be empty</param>
	/// <param name="bShowProgress">show current page number every tab</param>
	public TabSelector(TabControl tctrlTabControl, Button btnPrevious, Button btnNext, Button btnFinal, string sPreviousItem, string sNextItem, bool bShowProgress)
		_tctrlTabControl = tctrlTabControl;
		_btnFinal = btnFinal;
		_btnFinal.Visible = false;

		if (_tctrlTabControl != null)
			for (int i = 0; i < _tctrlTabControl.TabPages.Count; i++)

			if (_tctrlTabControl.TabPages.Count > 0)
				_bShowProgress = bShowProgress;


				if (btnPrevious != null)
					_btnPrevious = btnPrevious;
					if (sPreviousItem != string.Empty)
						_sPreviousItem = sPreviousItem + " ";

				if (btnNext != null)
					_btnNext = btnNext;
					if (sNextItem != string.Empty)
						_sNextItem = " " + sNextItem;

				this.SetCurrentTabIndex = 0;
	/// <summary>
	/// hide a given tabpage
	/// </summary>
	/// <param name="Page">the tabpage to hide</param>
	public void HideTabPage(TabPage Page)
		int iFoundIndex = _TabPages.IndexOf(Page);

		if (iFoundIndex >= 0)
			_TabPageHidden[iFoundIndex] = true;

	/// <summary>
	/// show again a given tabpage
	/// </summary>
	/// <param name="Page">the tabpage to show again</param>
	public void ShowTabPage(TabPage Page)
		int iFoundIndex = _TabPages.IndexOf(Page);

		if (iFoundIndex >= 0)
			_TabPageHidden[iFoundIndex] = false;
