DATA: o_excel TYPE ole2_object.
DATA: o_cell TYPE ole2_object.
DATA: o_font TYPE ole2_object.
* Zelle ermitteln
CALL METHOD OF o_excel 'Cells' = o_cell
#1 = 2 " Zeile
#2 = 2. " Spalte
* Font der Zelle holen
GET PROPERTY OF o_cell 'Font' = o_font.
SET PROPERTY OF o_font 'Name' = 'Courier New'. " Schriftart
SET PROPERTY OF o_font 'Bold' = 0. " Schriftstil: 0 - normal, 1 - fett
SET PROPERTY OF o_font 'Italic' = 1. " Schriftstil: 0 - normal, 1 - Italic
SET PROPERTY OF o_font 'ColorIndex' = 5. " Farbindex: 1=Schwarz, 2=weiss, 3=rot, 4=grün, 5=blau, 6=gelb
SET PROPERTY OF o_font 'Size' = 16. " Schriftgröße [px]
SET PROPERTY OF o_font 'Underline' = 2. " xlUnderlineStyleSingle
* Objekte wieder freigeben
FREE OBJECT: o_font.
FREE OBJECT: o_cell.