[ABAP] Charts mit Klasse cl_igs_chart anzeigen

* https://help.sap.com/saphelp_nwpi71/helpdata/en/46/8e558550b568bde10000000a155369/frameset.htm
* IGS-Administration: Transaktion SIGS / Report GRAPHICS_IGS_ADMIN

* Default RFC-Destination für IGS (Internet Graphics Server)
    DATA(lv_rfc_dest) = CONV char32( 'IGS_RFC_DEST' ).

* RFC-Destination festlegen
    cl_gfw=>its_rfc_dest = lv_rfc_dest.

* Ist der IGS Chart interpreter erreichbar?
    IF abap_true = cl_igs_data=>is_registered_type( destination = lv_rfc_dest
                                                    type        = cl_igs_chart=>interpreter_type ).

* IGS Chart-Objekt erzeugen
      DATA(o_igs_chart) = NEW cl_igs_chart( ).

      o_igs_chart->type = cl_igs_chart=>co_type_cols_3d.
      o_igs_chart->width = 640.
      o_igs_chart->height = 480.
      o_igs_chart->title = 'Test Graph'.
      o_igs_chart->title_categories = 'Monat'.
      o_igs_chart->title_values = 'Verbrauch'.
      o_igs_chart->color_scheme = cl_igs_chart=>co_scheme_default.
      o_igs_chart->legend = cl_igs_chart=>co_legend_default.

* Chart-Daten
      o_igs_chart->data = VALUE igs_data_tab(
                                              ( groupid = 'Series 1' y = 10 x = 'Januar' color = 30 datalabel = 'Label 1' extension = 'href="http://www.google.de"' )
                                              ( groupid = 'Series 2' y = 20 x = 'Januar' datalabel = 'Label 2' extension = 'href="http://www.google.de"' )
                                              ( groupid = 'Series 1' y = 15 x = 'Februar' datalabel = 'Label 3' extension = 'href="http://www.google.de"' )
                                              ( groupid = 'Series 2' y = 20 x = 'Februar' datalabel = 'Label 4' extension = 'href="http://www.google.de"' )
                                              ( groupid = 'Series 1' y = 30 x = 'März' datalabel = 'Label 5' extension = 'href="http://www.google.de"' )
                                              ( groupid = 'Series 2' y = 25 x = 'März' datalabel = 'Label 6' extension = 'href="http://www.google.de"' )

* erweiterte Chart-Daten
      o_igs_chart->extension = VALUE igs_ext_tab(
                                                  ( token = 'TITLE' value = 'href="http://www.google.de"' )
                                                  ( token = 'LGNDI' value = 'href="http://www.google.de"' )

      DATA: lv_content_type TYPE w3param-cont_type.
      DATA: lv_content_subtype TYPE w3param-cont_type.
      DATA: lv_content_length TYPE w3param-cont_len.
      DATA: it_mime_content TYPE w3mimetabtype.
      DATA: it_imagemap_html TYPE w3htmltabtype.
      DATA: lv_msg TYPE char255.

* Chart als Image + ImageMap generieren
      o_igs_chart->send( IMPORTING
                           content_type   = lv_content_type
                           content_length = lv_content_length
                           content        = it_mime_content
                           imagemap       = it_imagemap_html
                           msg_text       = lv_msg ).

* Content Typ und Content Subtyp
      SPLIT lv_content_type AT '/' INTO lv_content_type lv_content_subtype.

* HTML-Viewer erzeugen
      DATA(o_html) = NEW cl_gui_html_viewer( parent = cl_gui_container=>default_screen ).

      DATA: lv_mime_content_url TYPE w3url.

* URL zum Image erzeugen
      o_html->load_data( EXPORTING
                           type         = lv_content_type
                           subtype      = lv_content_subtype
                           size         = lv_content_length
                           assigned_url = lv_mime_content_url
                           data_table   = it_mime_content ).

* HTML mt eingebetteten Image + Imagemap erzeugen
      DATA(it_html) = VALUE w3htmltabtype( ( line = '<html>' )
                                           ( line = '  <head>' )
                                           ( line = '    <title>IGS Chart Demo</title>' )
                                           ( line = '  </head>' )
                                           ( line = '  <body>' )
                                           ( line = '    <map name=chart>' ) ).

      APPEND LINES OF it_imagemap_html TO it_html.

      APPEND LINES OF VALUE w3htmltabtype( ( line = '    </map>' )
                                           ( line = '    <img src="' && lv_mime_content_url && '" usemap=#chart border=0>' )
                                           ( line = '  </body>' )
                                           ( line = '</html>' ) ) TO it_html.

      DATA: lv_output_url TYPE w3url.

* URL zu HTML erzeugen
      o_html->load_data( EXPORTING
                           type         = 'text'
                           subtype      = 'html'
                           assigned_url = lv_output_url
                           data_table   = it_html ).

* HTML im HTML-Viewer anhand der URL anzeigen
      o_html->show_url( url = lv_output_url ).

* Container cl_gui_container=>default_screen erzwingen
      WRITE: / space.
  CATCH cx_root INTO DATA(e_txt).
    WRITE: / e_txt->get_text( ).